YouTube Lovin'

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Today I wanted to share a YouTube video, from a channel that I absolutely love.  We spend so much time cramming information into our heads that we often overlook some of the more entertaining aspects of life. Enter zefrank1.

I actually discovered this channel a couple of years ago, you may remember his voice from a series of commercials called “Dear Kitten” and I was hooked.  Once I found his channel I binged his videos for hours before I even realized that they were educational.  

The video I chose to share is from the True Facts series.  These videos, while absolutely hilarious, are actually pretty accurate.  

The depth in which the themes are examined varies from topic to topic but they are great to get a quick laugh while brushing up, or just for killing time.  

Entomology has always been a side interest of mine, I was totally a bug kid when I was little.  I chose this video in particular, mainly because I have always been fascinated with ants. They always seemed so much more complex than could be possible, given the fact that they are insects.  This video is a great example of just how sophisticated they can be. Normally farming is an activity ascribed only to humans, but here we see that ants may have figured out the benefits of cultivating crops long before we did.

Are there any series that tricked you into learning?  Comment below so that we can all check them out and have a laugh.

I would like to be transparent so that there are no misunderstandings. As an affiliate, I may earn a small commission from any products linked in this post. This is not a sponsored post, and I was not asked to recommend these products. These are products that I genuinely love and wanted to share with my audience.