Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
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I can’t believe that this roller coaster of a year if finally come to a close. This year was really hard for me. Not only because of my heavy school load but also because I suffered many losses. While I cannot anticipate or avoid many of the casualties that life throws at us, I can still look back at the things that I can control, and try to do better.
With that, I am looking forward to the upcoming year with so much optimism and energy. I can’t wait to plow ahead and make this the best year ever! So, with that, I present to you my New Years Resolutions:
No procrastinating!
I need to keep those bootstraps pulled up! I want to make the conscious effort not to put off things just because I can do them tomorrow. If I can just get them done today, then I don’t have to worry about carrying the weight of impending due dates on my back. When something goes wrong, or a milestone is not met, I tend to want to just shut down. This burden just causes more dread and aversion, which results in more procrastination. We can already see where this is going…
Drink more water!
I really need to get serious about this one. I am not sure why I have such an aversion to water, but the repulsion is strong! I just have the hardest time choking it down. Why is that? We are made of mostly water, so are most things we are in contact with daily, but when you actually have to drink it, it’s like bathing a cat. Have you ever tried to bathe a cat? I mean, without welding gloves. Yea, my drinking water is just like that. But not this year, this year I’m going to… … … try. I might need some support on this one.
Take a full day off once a month
I am not a machine. I need to remember this. I think a big player in my tendency to procrastinate, is because I keep myself too busy. I need to give myself a day just to sit there and be a one with my bed. I think having one whole day, with the only things scheduled are hot tea and reading socks, is a fantastic way to rejuvenate myself.
Spend more time baking
I love baking! I find it so therapeutic. Its like art that you can eat! The thing I don’t like about baking is the cleaning up afterwards. In any case, I feel like the benefits probably outweigh the inconvenience, and I would really like to get back in the habit.
Post regularly
This one's for you guys! This last year has been a real struggle for me. I can’t believe how many heart breaks and obstacles I had to go through. It caused me to shut down a lot of aspects of my life just as self preservation. I felt like I might break at any moment if I spread myself any thinner. This is why I was absent much of the last few months. This year I want to take out all the stops and plow forward, full speed ahead! I look forward to posting my weekly Monday updates again, and have plans for a whole new revamp of the online tutorials. I will update you in the coming weeks about all of the exciting things I will be releasing in a dedicated post.
I really do hope you will join me on this ride. Adventures are always so much more fun when you have people to share them with. What are your new year's resolutions this year? Please share them in the comments below! Goals are much more likely to be me when you write them down, and share them with friends.
I would like to be transparent so that there are no misunderstandings. As an affiliate, I may earn a small commission from any products linked in this post. This is not a sponsored post, and I was not asked to recommend these products. These are products that I genuinely love and wanted to share with my audience.